Maria Kostakeva Maria Kostakeva

I am a habilitated musicologist and I have taught at the universities of Bochum, Hamburg, Düsseldorf and Sofia.

I have published extensively on new music and music theater - among others on Ljubomir Pipkov(Dissertation, St. Petersburg), György Ligeti (Habilitation, Sofia, 2009), Alfred Schnittke and Adriana Hölszky.

published Textbooks

Books published by me so far on the topics of man-nature-new-music, on the sound worlds of the music of Adriana Hölszky, on the late work of Alfred Schnittke and on the music-theatrical work of György Ligeti.

Die Welt Klingt Methamorphosen und Eruption Im Strom der Zeiten und der Welten: Das Spätwerk von Alfred Schnittke  Die imaginäre Gattung
                            Über das musiktheatralische Werk G. Ligetis

I work as an author, translator and consultant, among others for The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Pipers Enzyklopädie des Musiktheaters and for the Lexikon Komponisten der Gegenwart (Edition Text + Kritik).

Since 1993 I have been working as an accredited correspondent of the Bulgarian National Radio and for the Bulgarian cultural magazine Kultura.

And I have dealt with the music of the 20th and 21st centuries and with Bulgarian and Slavic musical culture in numerous articles in music journals, anthologies and encyclopedias, as well as in lectures, articles, reviews, reviews, and radio contributions for the Deutschlandfunk, the SWR and the WDR.